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Keen to hear from anyone who agrees with me or not, as long as you have an open mind and a sense of humour!

Latin, Gender ID and Cooking

What do these disparate topics have in common? Read on!

I recently got into (another) spat on LinkedIn about whether Latin should be a compulsory subject in state schools. Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Education, has just introduced such a policy, which drew howls of derision from the usual suspects: “Irrelevant.” “Useless” (the subject and Williamson). “Teach climate change instead.” “Teach values and ambitions.” Eh, what?

Nightmare in Buckinghamshire!

More often than not I struggle to find space in my diary for a meeting, a catch-up with a friend, or even to take Mum food shopping. Yet I am not in paid employment, have no kids, and have a cleaner (two, in fact) and a gardener. Plus, Hubby is reasonably house-trained. How do people manage without such cards stacked in their favour?

Yesterday was a prime example. Sunday was supposed to be a stress-free day, culminating in an 8pm skink with a couple of mates (that’s skyping plus drinking for those readers who missed an earlier blog). This digital exercise was nothing to do with Covid-quarantining and everything to do with us being geographically challenged when it came to meeting in Buckinghamshire. The timing worked perfectly for me, as Hubby and I would have comfortably finished dinner and I’d be half way down my second glass of red.