About Me

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Keen to hear from anyone who agrees with me or not, as long as you have an open mind and a sense of humour!

Why Would You?

(With a little help from my friends)

1.    Move to a farming area then complain about the farms (The number one Why Would You for all of us)

2.    Dress provocatively then complain when you provoke

3.    Marry into the Royal Family then complain when they ask you to behave like a Royal

4.    Keep a pet tarantula

5.    Go to university to listen and learn then refuse to listen

6.    Drive hours to the seaside when you know there’s no room on the beach

7.    Walk up Scafell Pike in flipflops

8.    Visit a beauty spot because it’s beautiful then leave it covered with ugly litter

9.    Ignore social distancing then blame everyone else when you get Covid19

10.    Holiday abroad when you know that quarantine could be imposed at any time

11.    Holiday abroad when you haven’t got rainy day savings for just one-month’s household bills

12.    Eat out, dress to the nines, holiday abroad, then complain you can’t afford to buy a house

13.    Buy an old, characterful property then do it up à la Beverly Hills kitsch

14.    Claim that it’s your right to park outside your home, on a bend, opposite a junction

15.    Spend public funds on self-promotion instead of social care (Gee I wonder which Local Authority this refers to)

16.    Eat Quorn

17.    Read Cycling Today

18.    Watch Countryfile if you live in the country

19.    Believe the BBC

20.    Advocate women’s rights, ethnic rights, gay rights, trans rights, human rights and animal rights, but not men’s rights.

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