Please don’t tell anyone.
I’ve opened a Twitter account. Using a pseudonym of course. And it’s only a matter of time before I fire off something a bit too right wing or pro-Brexit or non-PC that attracts what I think is known as a ‘Twitter storm’. However, as no one knows who I am on Twitter, it doesn’t matter, does it? The attacks can’t be personal. The threats would be, in practice, empty. In fact, I might just fire off something OTT anti-Metropolitan-Urban-Elite deliberately to raise blood pressures, and then argue them into the ground.
Steven Seagal once said in one of his films where he plays Steven Seagal, “Nobody beats me in the kitchen”. Well in my case it’s “nobody beats me in a logical, fact-based argument”, (or indeed in the kitchen. Ever had my sea bass with crispy skin?)
So, what would I tweet about that would get the self-righteous excited?
How about comparing Macron to Lukashenko? I mean, both are weaponizing migrants for their own personal agendas.
How about comparing the EU to the extreme Trans mob? This mob bullies and threatens anyone who doesn’t unquestionably share their values of a multi-gendered society. Similarly, the EU is bullying and threatening Poland because the Polish government doesn’t share EU values that include turning a blind eye to one of their own (Macron) weaponizing migrants. I never thought I’d say this, but – Go Poles!
Let’s pause for a second.
I’m not actually saying I agree with critics of the multi-gender agenda, or with the Polish government compromising the independence of their judiciary, but I defend the right of anyone to express different views in the first case, and applaud any country that prioritises its national constitution above that of the EU dictatorship.
What else might I Tweet about that some would find distasteful? How about defending the privatisation of the water industry 30 years ago and countering many factually inaccurate claims currently levelled against the utility companies. Ok so they’re not perfect and some companies are not as good as others. But, bottom line, had the industry remained nationalised then our rivers and coasts would be worse off than they are now. And that’s a fact.
I also support the proposed Whitehaven coal mine because – it would reduce reliance on Russian coal, reduce GLOBAL transport-carbon emissions, and the off-setting programme is actually, for once, commendable. But it’s coal. And the C word gets the self-righteous excitable. Irrationally so.
And I support meat-eating and don’t agree with going vegan, even for a day or two a week, because it’s not good for our health, the environment, or our stress levels. Sausage and mash beats chick pea risotto on all counts.
What else. What else. Ooh I know.
I agree wholeheartedly with Tony Sewell’s report that said Britain is a model for a multi-ethnic society.
And the sleaze row won’t put me off voting Tory until there’s someone else deserving of my vote. Labour is anti-Semitic, the Lib Dems are …. sorry, what are they? And the Greens are more Marxist than green.
Divesting from certain industry sectors? More complicated than some are making out. Divesting from companies that make ‘weapons’ might compromise the UK’s ability to defend itself against, say, Putin. Divesting from companies that produce oil would actually impede our research into sustainable fuels. And such divestment compromises returns on investment. There’s something to be said for ‘beggars can’t be choosers’.
And finally – I’m not a big fan of the mental health mantra that mandates we all bleat about our ‘issues’. It’s fine if the assumed sympathetic or tolerant ear comes up trumps, but if instead you encounter deafness or worse, a two-fingered salute, then be prepared to take a deep breath, draw a line, pick yourself up, dust yourself down, have a gin, pluck your eyebrows, paint your nails, smile sweetly, knock ‘em dead, and learn for the next time.
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